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And thank you for purchasing, or considering purchasing, access to one of my videos below.
A life-time of access to any one of these videos is just $99.99 and you’ll be able to watch and rewatch the session as often as you like.
This very powerful hypnosis session is the same session that Jason uses for all his elite hockey clients.
Hypnotherapy is one of the most underestimated aspects of being a successful athlete. Many hockey players work with a professional hypnotist and almost all athletes visualize their success in some way.
In this very powerful hypnosis session Jason uses both techniques (Hypnosis and Visualization) and takes you on a journey of playing the perfect hockey game.
Visualization is a method of maintaining focus on and motivation for your athletic goals. As often as you can, picture yourself taking a perfect shot. Picture yourself winning a face-off. Picture yourself getting drafted by the NHL and skating out onto the ice for your first game. This visualization process will help you keep your eye on the prize and keep you hungry for victory and success. It also helps give you confidence to make risky plays and to give it your all in every game.
The number of times and frequency you listen to this video will depend on your particular situation but it is important to realise that the results are always far greater when you use repetition and reinforcement.
Hypnosis is a process of relaxation and self-control. During this process Jason uses the part of the mind which controls our habits and emotions (also known as the unconscious mind) to influence our thoughts and behaviors.
Through guided imagery, direct and powerful communication with the unconscious mind, hypnosis allows us to communicate with our subconscious mind to reprogram our behaviors and thought patterns.
Hypnosis is an incredibly relaxing experience. It is designed to get to the root cause of the anxiety and provide a new confident outlook on life being the person you want to be.
The number of times and frequency you listen to this video will depend on your particular situation but it is important to realise that the results are always far greater when you use repetition and reinforcement.
Hypnosis is inherently relaxing, so by simply listening to Jason you can begin to wind down and calm the mind before bedtime. With repeated listening you can begin to communicate more effectively with your unconscious mind so that sleep doesn’t have to feel like an impossible journey, but more like a close friend you are able to visit any time you need.
Say goodbye to the frustration of restless sleep!
The number of times and frequency you listen to this video will depend on your particular situation but it is important to realise that the results are always far greater when you use repetition and reinforcement.
(This session has an option to continue to drift off into a peaceful night’s sleep or wake up refreshed if you are using it through the day)
Do you want to quit, but worry you will gain weight? Would you like to stop cravings in moments? Are you tired of people telling you to quit? Are you worried about smoking damaging your health? Have you tried to quit before and failed? If quitting was easy would you do it today?
Jason will help you find the motivation and power to break the habit and give up smoking for good! As you listen, powerful hypnosis and NLP techniques will work to change the way you think about smoking. You’ll recognize it for the addiction it is and begin to appreciate the damage it can cause. You’ll find the strength and determination to say “no” to smoking once and for all – without any of the usual withdrawal symptoms.
The number of times and frequency you listen to this video will depend on your particular situation but it is important to realise that the results are always far greater when you use repetition and reinforcement.
Hypnosis for Pain Relief can really help you to take control of your levels of discomfort by using the power of your mind. Pain can either be acute or chronic and this session has been designed to deal with both types of discomfort. This session has not been designed to totally eliminate your discomfort but to help you get some relief.
The number of times and frequency you listen to this video will depend on your particular situation but it is important to realise that the results are always far greater when you use repetition and reinforcement. Make sure you consult a medical practitioner as pain is a message to the brain that something needs attention. Stress and anxiety often play a part in increasing that discomfort and sometimes can be the primary cause ie “It’s all in your mind”.
Jason knows firsthand about the struggles of weight loss. He lost over 100lbs in 2017 through self-hypnosis and the help of a nutrition coach. (Jason Capson)
The number of times and frequency you listen to this video will depend on your particular situation but it is important to realise that the results are always far greater when you use repetition and reinforcement. Especially with Weight Loss as we always have to make proper food choices daily.
Lose weight easily and naturally as you reprogram healthier diet habits with guided relaxation and positive suggestions designed to speak directly to your deeper, unconscious mind.
This session will allow you to rest into a soothing, deeply calming mindset, whereby you can finally accept and wholly embrace all of the positive, protective energies that your own healthy body is craving. Your own internal choices will allow you to become now the healthier, fitter, vibrant and more energised version of your authentic self.
As a bonus Jason has incorporated in this session gastric band hypnosis to control portions and decrease cravings/temptations.
Thank you for purchasing, or considering the purchase, of access to one of my videos!
Please read the terms of service and the disclaimer below, and I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions.
Video access is for your use only and it may not be shared
I understand that the access provided with my purchase is for my personal use only, and I agree not to share my login details with another party. Login details are recorded, and sharing access could result in the cancellation of my account.
I understand and agree that Jason Cyrus is an educator and unconscious coach, not a medical doctor or psychologist, and that he cannot diagnose disease, prescribe, or treat medical conditions or serious disorders.
I understand that the suggestions I’m receiving from Jason Cyrus in this video are not a substitute for normal medical care and I have been advised to discuss this procedure with any doctor who is taking care of me now or in the future.
Additionally, I should continue any present medical treatment and consult my regular physician for treatment of any new or old illnesses. I am willing to be guided through various methods, including relaxation, visual imagery, creative visualization, hypnosis, Neurolinguistics Programming (NLP) and stress reduction processes for the purposes of vocational or avocational self-improvement. I realize that although Jason Cyrus has considerable training and over a decade of experience, the training and insights he provides are not a cure, and I accept that I am paying for his time, expertise, and insights, irrespective of any particular result.
I understand that all payments made to Jason Cyrus and Cyrus Entertainment is non-refundable and Jason Cyrus and Cyrus Entertainment accept NO responsibility for the use or misuse of this video recording.
I also understand that hypnosis is a natural state and I will not listen to this video while driving or operating machinery, I will only listen to this video in a place where I can relax and let go.
I further agree to the payment of $99.99 for this video session, which will be approximately 45 minutes in duration.
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