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The highly anticipated showman extraordinaire—Jason Cyrus brings you the hottest theatrical stage hypnosis show in North America. Audiences everywhere are mesmerized saying, “That was the greatest, funniest show I ever saw!” Jason’s shows are filled with fun, high energy and non-stop laughter!
The interactive entertainment value is beyond compare! Expect nothing less than sensational when you watch Jason in action! Jason provides an incomparable professional, entertainment experience that has been proven time and again to exceed the expectations of all audiences everywhere.
Jason is singlehandedly changing the face of stage hypnosis entertainment and fans come from everywhere to be put under his spell. With his unmatched stage presence and magnetic personality, Jason works his crowds with a practiced flair. He is comfortable with all types of audiences. Jason’s entertainment style is comedic, enthusiastic, energetic and sincere, never dull, dry or clinical. Jason and his love of entertainment, appreciation and respect for his audience and participants are apparent to all.
As Jason develops a strong connection with his volunteers, they surrender to the power of suggestion to become talented musicians, hilarious ballet dancers and rock and roll legends giving the audience a show to be remembered!
You too could become a star! Guests are engaged and encouraged to participate in a wide variety of demonstrations designed to leave spectators amazed and thoroughly entertained.
The fun, the thrills, the uncontrollable laughter, it’s the most hilarious journey into the mind you will ever take! Witness the power of hypnosis! A guaranteed unforgettable experience! It just doesn’t get any better than this!
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Please read the terms of service and the disclaimer below, and I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions.
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I understand that the access provided with my purchase is for my personal use only, and I agree not to share my login details with another party. Login details are recorded, and sharing access could result in the cancellation of my account.
I understand and agree that Jason Cyrus is an educator and unconscious coach, not a medical doctor or psychologist, and that he cannot diagnose disease, prescribe, or treat medical conditions or serious disorders.
I understand that the suggestions I’m receiving from Jason Cyrus in this video are not a substitute for normal medical care and I have been advised to discuss this procedure with any doctor who is taking care of me now or in the future.
Additionally, I should continue any present medical treatment and consult my regular physician for treatment of any new or old illnesses. I am willing to be guided through various methods, including relaxation, visual imagery, creative visualization, hypnosis, Neurolinguistics Programming (NLP) and stress reduction processes for the purposes of vocational or avocational self-improvement. I realize that although Jason Cyrus has considerable training and over a decade of experience, the training and insights he provides are not a cure, and I accept that I am paying for his time, expertise, and insights, irrespective of any particular result.
I understand that all payments made to Jason Cyrus and Cyrus Entertainment is non-refundable and Jason Cyrus and Cyrus Entertainment accept NO responsibility for the use or misuse of this video recording.
I also understand that hypnosis is a natural state and I will not listen to this video while driving or operating machinery, I will only listen to this video in a place where I can relax and let go.
I further agree to the payment of $99.99 for this video session, which will be approximately 45 minutes in duration.