It is important to understand that you will not be in an ordinary sleep. Instead, you are super aware. Your attention is powerfully focused upon Cyrus’s voice. Do not try hard to be hypnotized. Instead treat the experience as play. Do not care if you are hypnotized, for you probably won’t know anyway, unless you have been hypnotized several times.

Do not waste your mental energy and concentration thinking over and over: “Is it working. I hope it is working. When will it work? This is my last resort. It better work.” Such fear of failure divides concentration. You attract what you think about. The best attitude is “who cares if I am hypnotized. I am just going to follow the instructions and enjoy the experience. This will work great!”

Hypnosis is a normal, natural state similar to being totally focused on a good book, or a good movie in a theatre. Imagine that there is an empty box in the top of your head, and Cyrus is going to fill that box with over 100 very positive hypnotic instructions to create the belief in your mind that you are already a non smoker, relaxed without tobacco.

When your eyes are closed, your attention is more focused upon Cyrus ‘s voice. Some people like put something over their eyes, such as a blindfold or eye shades. If using hypnotic recordings, headphones will again further focus your attention. Also, chewing gum is a distraction. Having a comfortable bed, chair or couch helps. Loosen tight clothing.

As you hear Cyrus’s voice, imagine that your mind is a vacuum cleaner sucking up every hypnotic instruction; a tunnel between your mind and Cyrus ‘s words filling up the box in the top of your head.

You can increase the power of the hypnotic instructions by turning off your analyzing, turning off your critical thinking mind, and accepting everything that is being told to you while your attention is focused upon his voice. Forget about other people in the audience. Think of the session as between you and Cyrus alone.

You can further increase the emotional voltage of the hypnotic instructions by imagining what Cyrus is saying in detail. Imagine what you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel on your skin, and in your mind. Imagine you are an actor or actress in Hollywood. For example, if you are imagining yourself in situations as a non smoker, you can add color, make it vivid, bright, sharp, add details, bring it in close to you, give it movement, see it from the right, left, front, back, make it 3D. Add imaginary sounds such as compliments of others, make them clear, constant and loud such as cheering. Make it stereo.

In short, the key is to focus your attention in an uncritical, open, accepting way. Imagine what is being said to you as if it is already true, for we become what we think the most about. Many people say over and over to themselves: “I can’t quit smoking”. In this case, the person needs to be DEHYPNOTIZED, or UNHYPNOTIZED. They have already hypnotized themselves by repetition of the self-suggestion.

If your life is a mess, your mind is mess. You need to change your mind, your mouth, your thoughts and your words.

You can also mentally repeat hypnotic instructions as Cyrus says them to you, while imagining as if they are true already.

Repetition of hypnotic instructions makes them stronger. If using hypnosis recordings, you should have one session, once a day, until you are absolutely confident you will never smoke again. With some people hypnosis has fast results, and with others (especially those who have excessive life stress), permanent success may require more repetitions of the hypnotic instructions. Persistence is the key to all success.

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I understand that the access provided with my purchase is for my personal use only, and I agree not to share my login details with another party. Login details are recorded, and sharing access could result in the cancellation of my account. 


I understand and agree that Jason Cyrus is an educator and unconscious coach, not a medical doctor or psychologist, and that he cannot diagnose disease, prescribe, or treat medical conditions or serious disorders.

I understand that the suggestions I’m receiving from Jason Cyrus in this video are not a substitute for normal medical care and I have been advised to discuss this procedure with any doctor who is taking care of me now or in the future.

Additionally, I should continue any present medical treatment and consult my regular physician for treatment of any new or old illnesses. I am willing to be guided through various methods, including relaxation, visual imagery, creative visualization, hypnosis, Neurolinguistics Programming (NLP) and stress reduction processes for the purposes of vocational or avocational self-improvement. I realize that although Jason Cyrus has considerable training and over a decade of experience, the training and insights he provides are not a cure, and I accept that I am paying for his time, expertise, and insights, irrespective of any particular result. 

I understand that all payments made to Jason Cyrus and Cyrus Entertainment is non-refundable and Jason Cyrus and Cyrus Entertainment accept NO responsibility for the use or misuse of this video recording.

I also understand that hypnosis is a natural state and I will not listen to this video while driving or operating machinery, I will only listen to this video in a place where I can relax and let go.

I further agree to the payment of $99.99 for this video session, which will be approximately 45 minutes in duration.